Monday, December 6, 2010


The article, “Lost in Electronica” matters to me because I am someone who is influenced from video games, to education because many students’ grades drop because of electronic distractions, and to the world because this shows we are becoming more dependent on electronics.  This article was mainly about how people, especially boys, are becoming more into electronics, therefore leading to behavior patterns such as easier boredom.  I am someone who will admit that video games take an effect on me.  Sometimes they distract me from things that are more important like homework and chores.  When the article talks about boredom because of our addiction to electronics, I cannot relate.  Truthfully, I believe that electronics can be a problem, but only if that person cannot handle the freedoms of it.  Once again, this matters to education because when male students get bored we tend to zone out.  This causes possibly missing critical information that may be on a test.  This matters to the world because we did not have this issue 20 or 30 years ago.  There are many positives and negatives about technology, and this issue is a negative.  The bad thing is that there is no realistic way of fixing this problem.


  1. Great presentation! well prepared, and well presented. Keep up the good work!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. good presentation. Great question.

  4. Good topic, way to keep eye contact. Good conversation.

  5. Good presentation and topic to discuss

  6. Good question and nice presentation

  7. That was a really good presentation involving the audience and relating it to us.

  8. Because of the amount of money made video games will probably never go away...
