Sunday, November 28, 2010


The article, “We See This as the Future of Higher Education” by Karl Fisch matters to me because new teaching strategies are being tested and used by many teachers which means I need to be flexible, to education because technology alone may be changing the way students are taught, and to the world because this ongoing revolution of technology is changing the world dramatically.  This article basically stated the good and the bad of teachers lecturing through the internet.  Mr. Fisch himself thinks that education should be taught in a “hybrid” form.  What he means by this is a mix of face to face teaching and internet teaching.  Since new teaching strategies are being brought forth I need to be flexible and be prepared to learn in any way the teacher asks me to learn, whether it be through the internet or face to face.  Technology has a major role in many things, including education.  There is a huge difference in teaching because of technology.  A long time ago, most teachers used chalkboards to teach.  Now, many teachers have projectors or Smartboards.  There are so many new technologies being practiced not only in education, but in the world.  Many businesses are taking risks by using new technology to improve their businesses.  Once again, everything draws to technology.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The video “What If” matters to me because I am a student in a time where new technology is coming out at a rapid pace, to education because many people who were involved in education stated current crisis’s about progressing in education technologically, and to the world because this video shows show exponentially technology has grown as a whole.  The video “What If” was about how people predicted many problems that were going to come if students relied on a specific item.  Since I am a student in a world where technology is rapidly expanding, I can either choose to use it as good or bad, which Mr. Fisch discussed.  In the video, there were many examples of doubters who were a part of education.  For example, one made a strong point about students’ dependence on calculators.  He or she said that since we are so dependent on calculators, what happens when we will need them and don’t have access to one.  That argument has pretty much degraded because calculators are now on phones, iPods, computers, ect.  This means that calculators are very easy to access.  When I was watching this video, I was amazed at how much little time generated new technology and also new arguments in the world.  I am curious to see what the argument will be in 50 years or so: “No teleporters on campus!”

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The article “Qualities of an Effective Teacher (revisited)” matters to me because I, too, also recognize the significance of a great teacher, to education because great education from teachers means a better student, and to the world because the article states the teachers are some of the most powerful people in the world.  This article was mainly about the significance and qualities of a good of a good teacher.  All of the characteristics that the author said were accurate about what is needed to be a good teacher, in my opinion.  To me, knowing that I have a great teacher who I really listen to makes a world of a difference.  I find that the better teacher I have the better grade I get, pretty simple concept.  I also know many students who share that same joy.  In middle school, many students, including me, had worse grades then they do this year.  One reason could be that high school actually counts for something and will follow you the rest of your, but the other could be better teachers.  At AHS I and many other students find that the teachers in general are better quality, than the teachers at middle school.  I thought it was interesting that at the end of the article the author said that teachers are some of the most powerful people in the world.  I have never really thought about this but I have to agree.  Teachers are the ones who are supposed to be people who are helping us become successful in the future, and what we learn and take away from them can impact decisions that we make.


The article, “Schools would be great if it weren’t for kids” matters to me because on a lot subjects in school I’m not very eager to learn, to education because the article partly blames our education traditions and systems, and to the world because if most students aren’t willing to learn in school, what will be their reaction when they reach the working world?  This article is about how experts are finding that students aren’t very eager to learn.  It also talked about how there are many different types of motivation for students, whether it be through peer pressure, parents, or teacher intimidation.  Since I personally am not very eager to learn most of the time, sometimes my grades reflect that.  For example, if I am playing a sport and takes up most of my night and I had an off hour during the school to finish my homework and instead I hung out with some friends that would be an example of night being eager to learn.  In the article, the author talked about how our education system in general isn’t promoting student motivation because many teachers teach to “raise students’ test scores”.  And also if a student gets good grades they are rewarded, so it sends the message they that should be getting good grades for rewards, not clearly on their future.  If students aren’t as motivated now, how will they do in the work force?  Some can argue that previous generations did fine, why wouldn’t we?  But the difference is the culture in general.  Many people agree that my generation is the most pressed to be “successful” (as in gating good grades, going to college, even sports) than any other generation in history.  Because of that there is more pressure.  Let’s hope reform is on its way.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The article, “You Know This is True” by Will Richardson matters to me because at this moment, grades are what matter most to me in education, to education because I know many kids who also have the same mindset, and to the world because we need more students that want to learn.  This article was about how many students are very willing to learn, they just listen in class and get good grades and that’s that.  What is missing is the “want to learn” part from students.  Our culture in which we live in might play a big role in this because many parents put pressure on their children to ace that test or get a good grade, but leave out the wanting to learn part out.  Even in myself, my main goal in education is to get a good grade in a class.  If I get a good grade in a class, I move on without retaining the information, which is the most important part.  I am not the only one with that idealism.  The majority of my friends and fellow students are the same.  In the world, we need more students who are willing to learn because history has shown that great inventions or ideas have come mostly from curiosity, which many students today are missing.  How we fix this? I don’t know, but I am glad Will Richardson brought this issue up and center.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The article, “Googley Advice” matters to me because I want to learn what companies look for in a worker, to education because schools should maybe do a little more to adjust to what business are looking for, and to the world because what this article talks about is what most businesses are looking for.  Basically, this article was about what Google looks for when hiring people, and also what makes great workers, not just in their eyes, but in many other businesses’ as well.  I want to learn what companies look for in a worker, so if I am good at that certain skill, I can show it off.  If I have troubles with a skill that businesses like Google look for, I can work hard to improve, so that I am well-rounded in the business community.  From an education standpoint, schools should try to adjust to what many businesses look for in workers so that they are better equipped with the necessary tools needed to be successful in the working world.  After all, that’s the school’s job isn’t it?  Since most business look for specific skills, the world as a whole should putting huge emphasis on the importance of have these skills.